Ryan's World

A glimpse of a chaotic world (and more)...

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Vandalism . . . Art?

There's been some tom-foolery in my dormitory recently. I thought I might share with you the hilariousness of these mischievious acts.

Case 1:


These friendly characters were found in an elavator after spring break:

Personally, I like them. You may be wondering what that red V (which strangely looks like V for Vendetta) is. It seems to be some sort of calling card.

I also found it here:

That's right. Looks cool, but doesn't it hurt a little bit too?

Maybe not.

At any rate, the shenanigans didn't stop there. Today I was idly wandering and came across a Stonehenge-like achievement. I found the chairs and tables of Dungeons to be crazily tilted, knocked over, and stood up. This chaos intrigued me. I pass it unto you and deem it...

Craphenge (its like Stonehenge only a lot crappier).

Enough of my tom-foolery, I'm out for the evening. More substance to come (enough of this sub-par writing!



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